+91 033 22421895

PE column pipes for submersible pump

The performance of uPVC Column pipes is hassle-free. These are chemical and corrosion resistant pipes. The smooth inner wall of column pipes prevents scale build up on the pipes and a low friction loss during operations results in energy saving efficient pumping. The threads of the column pipe do not break/chip out and neither do they get brittle even after being loosened or tightened several times. These pipes are available in various sizes starting from 25mm to 150mm (1″ to 6″) in various types. Column pipes are provided with square threads for coupling joints. Due to their unique design, these pipes can withstand a considerable shock, jerk load and pressure at full capacity when operational. Square threads ensure ease in jointing with high tensile strength. A high torque resistance and double locking system is provided by using brass riveting, which promises extra safety in the long run.

Installation Guide

  • Join the metal connector with submersible pump with the help of a chain wrench.
  •   Before joining the pipes, ensure to clean the threads withclean water.
  •   Before joining the pipes, ensure that the pump guard isinstalled properly.
  •   Before opening or joining the pipe/adaptor ensure tohold the coupling by hand.
  •  Tighten pipe with hand till half rubber ring is seen.Finally if required, give a last jerk with rope or feltwrench.
  •   While lowering the pipes, place the clampbelow the coupler. Clamp the top adaptor with the lastpipe.
  •   Lower the pipes with the help of chain pully.

Features & Benefits

 1. Ronix Column Pipes are Lead-Free and have a bi-axially oriented production technique.

 2. High tensile strength

3. Light weight and hence can be quickly transported also, easy to install

 4. High impact strength

5. The specially designed square threaded profile gives the pipes optimum pulling strength

6. The EPDM “O” rings provide trouble free operations and fully water tight joints

 7. Non-toxic, rust and deposit free, having anti-abrasion and anti-corrosion properties which gives the pipes a long life

8. More economical than mild steel (MS) pipes

 9. The Smooth internal surface of the pipe reduces energy consumption due to friction free water flow, increasing the life of the pump

10. Obtain higher well yields than conventional metallic pipes

11. The high torque resistance locking system and precisely manufactured square threads ensure excellent mechanical strength

12. Column Pipes are Ideal for urban as well as rural bore-well applications


Head loss and discharge comparison for 50mm (2″)- heavy column pipe and GI pipe for installation at 137m (450 ft )  depth

(i) Head Loss due to depth of pump = 137meters= 450ft both in case of column pipe and steel pipe.

(ii) Ref above Technical charts for head loss due to friction for both pipes

Taking working range of discharge as 18m3/hr.

18m3/hr = 300lpm

a) For 50mm (2″) Heavy  Column Pipe Frictional Head Loss is = 10.244 mtrs / 100mtr

For 137 mtrs frictional head loss  = ( 137 / 100) x 10.244 = 14.034 meters

Total Head Load on pump with  Column Pipe = 137+14.034= 151.03 meters

b) Head Loss due to friction in Steel Pipes

As per chart for steel Pipe 21.12 meters  /100 meters

For 137 meters frictional head loss = (137/100) x21.12 = 28.93 meters

Total Head Load on pump with Steel Pipe = 137+ 28.93= 165.93 meters

From the above two calculations for column pipes and steel pipes, different head load are shown on pump in the same working conditions. As per pump chart 10% to 30% extra water discharge is available with Column Pipe in comparison to steel pipes depending upon depth and discharge of pump. This means huge power saving and reduced pumping time.


Contact us:

Ronix Polymer (P) Ltd

167, Old China Bazar Street

+91 033 22421895


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