Pipes should be given adequate support at all times. Pipes should be stacked in layers with sockets placed at alternate ends of the stack and with the sockets protruding.
Horizontal supports of about 75mm wide should be spaced not more than 1.5m centre-to-centre beneath the pipes to provide even support.
Vertical side supports should also be provided at intervals of 3m along rectangular pipe stacks.
For long-term storage (longer than 3 months) the maximum free height should not exceed 1.5m. The heaviest pipes should be on the bottom.
Crated pipes, however, may be stacked higher provided that the load bearing is not taken directly by the lower pipes. In all cases, stacking should be such that pipes will not become distorted.
If it is planned to store pipes in direct sunlight for a period in excess of one year, then the pipes should be covered with material such as hessian, placed so as to not restrict the circulation of air in the pipes which has a cooling effect. Coverings such as black plastic must not be used as these can greatly increase the temperatures within the stack.
Pipes should not be stored close to heat sources or hot objects, eg., heaters, boilers steam lines or engine exhaust, or against reflective metal fences which may concentrate heat.