+91 033 22421895

Dos & Don’ts


  • Use Pipes and Fittings from same manufacturer.
  • Install according to the Installation instructions and follow recommended safe work practices.
  • Keep Pipe and Fittings in original packaging until needed and store pipes in covered areas.
  • Use tools designed for use with plastic pipe and fittings.
  • Take correct precautions while installing pipes and fittings above 2″ in accordance with Industry recommendations.
  • Remove dirt from pipe & fittings. Clean pipe & fittings with clean cloth.
  • Cut off min. 25 mm beyond the edge of the crack in case any crack is discovered on the pipe.
  • Cut the pipe as square (perpendicular) as possible before making a joint.
  • De-burr & Bevel: Ensure no sharp edges in contact with the fittings surface while inserting the pipe.
  • Ensure proper alignment of pipe & fitting to avoid stress on the joints.
  • Ensure installation is done in such a way that there are no chances of air entrapment.
  • Provide vertical & horizontal supports as recommended.
  • Use solvent cement only as thread sealant.
  • Insulate hot water pipes exposed to the atmosphere.
  • Always conduct hydraulic pressure testing after installation to detect any leaks and faults.
  • Wait for appropriate cure time before pressure testing. Fill lines slowly and bleed air from the system prior to pressure testing.
  • Provide expansion loops on hot water lines.
  • Paint pipe (water based paint) exposed to sunlight.


  • Do not Use Metal Hooks or Nails to support/hold or put pressure on the pipes. Do not use straps & hangers with rough or sharp edges. Do not tighten the straps over the pipes.
  • Never expose the pipe to Open Flame while trying to bend it.
  • Do not drop pipes on edges from heights. Do not drop heavy objects on pipes or walk on pipes.
  • Do not use Fusion Compound for PVC or any other plastics for joining CPVC pipes & Fittings.
  • Do not dilute the Fusion Compound with Thinners/ MTO or any other liquid etc.
  • Do not use air or gases for pressure testing.
  • Do not use any other petroleum or solvent-based sealant, adhesive, lubricant or fire stop material on CPVC/PVC pipes and fittings.
  • Do not use CPVC/PVC Pipes & Fittings for pneumatic applications.
  • Do not use plastic threaded fittings for hot water above 60°C.
  • Do not thread CPVC pipes
Contact us:

Ronix Polymer (P) Ltd

167, Old China Bazar Street

+91 033 22421895


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