+91 033 22421895


  • Cut pipe straight (very important). This will allow pipe to bottom into the socket.
  • Remove burr (shaving), use clean dry cloth or knife. Do not use abrasive material.
  • Clean pipe and fitting & ensure no dirt, grease or any other foreign particle.
  • Check dry fit. Pipe should easily go into the socket 1/3 to 2/3 of the way before any resistance is felt. This is commonly referred to as interference fit. If pipe goes to the bottom of the fitting without any resistance (interference) ensure fitting is of correct size. In case fitting is loose, change fitting.
  • Mark the socket depth on the pipe with a marker.
  • Apply a thin coat of solvent cement into the fittings socket and a full even coat on the pipe till the mark to the depth of socket bottom. Do not puddles cement in socket use brush & dauber atlaest 1/2 the OD of the pipe.
  • Insert pipe into the socket quickly while cement is still fluid (wet), if cement has dried, re-coat pipe and fitting. Twist pipe turn, this will allow cement to cover any dry spot. Make sure pipe goes all the way to the bottom of the fitting.
  • Hold pipe and fitting together (30 second) to make sure pipe does not push out.
  • Wipe off excess cement with clean dry cloth.
  • Allow cement to cure before pressure testing. Cure time is dependent upon temperature, humidity etc. however under normal conditions, allow 24 hours curing time.

The abutment done manually up to half the pipe and compacted by walking simply with feet. The filling up to the upper part of the pipe, carried out manually and again compacted with feet. A layer of 150 mm compacted by a machine, can be added, provied that it is not done directly on the upper part of the pipe.

The abutment and the filling up to 200 mm on the upper part of the pipe can be done in one solution, if material, such as sand or loose and sieved ground is used. The remaining backfill can be completed and compacted in layers of not more than 250 mm, if it is not compacted directly on the pipe. This can be done up to 300 mm of height from the upper part of the pipe. The remaining backfill can be completed and compacted according to the requirements of surface finish

Pressure Testing

  • Prior to testing, safety precautions should be instituted to protect personal & property in case of test failure.
  • Conduct pressure testing with water only.
  • The piping system should be adequately anchored to limit movement. Water under pressure exerts thrust forces in piping systems. Thrust blocking should be provided at changes in direction, change in size and at dead end.
  • The piping system should be slowly filled with water, taking care to prevent surge and air entrapment. The flow velocity should not exceed 1ft./sec.
  • All trapped air must be slowly released. Vent must be provided at all high points of the piping system. All valves and air relief mechanisms should be opened so that the air can be vented while system is being filled.
  • Once an installation is completed and cured the system should be filled with water and pressure tested in accordance with local code requirements. However, care must be taken to ensure the pressure does not exceed the working pressure of the lowest component in the system (valves, unions, flanges, threaded parts, etc.)
  • Any leaking joints or pipe must be cut out and replaced and the line recharged and retested using the same procedure.
Contact us:

Ronix Polymer (P) Ltd

167, Old China Bazar Street

+91 033 22421895


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