Ronix uPVC Soil, Waste & Rain Water (SWR) Drainage Systems includes a wide range of pipes & fittings which have an equally wide range of applications, Tougher & economical owing to its superior properties compared to conventional drainage system. It is ideal for both residential & commercial premises of any height. Pipes are available in 2,3,4,6,10 feet length in single socket & double socket.
SWR Pipes | SWR Fittings
SWR Pipes: As per IS13592-1992 Type-A pipes are recommended for use in ventilation pipe work and
Rain water application and Type-B are recommended for use in soil and waste discharge system.
SWR Fittings: Dimensions are as per DIN 19531/ DIN 19534 and conforming to IS; 14735-99 (Rubber ring conforms to IS5382)
Ronix Polymer (P) Ltd
167, Old China Bazar Street
+91 033 22421895