+91 033 22421895

SWR Pipes & Fittings

Ronix uPVC Soil, Waste & Rain Water (SWR) Drainage Systems includes a wide range of pipes & fittings which have an equally wide range of applications, Tougher & economical owing to its superior properties compared to conventional drainage system. It is ideal for both residential & commercial premises of any height. Pipes are available in 2,3,4,6,10 feet length in single socket & double socket.

Product Range

SWR Pipes | SWR Fittings

SWR Pipes: As per IS13592-1992 Type-A pipes are recommended for use in ventilation pipe work and

Rain water application and Type-B are recommended for use in soil and waste discharge system.

SWR Fittings: Dimensions are as per DIN 19531/ DIN 19534 and conforming to IS; 14735-99 (Rubber ring conforms to IS5382)

Rubber Ring Fittings

Solvent Cement Fittings


Features & Benefits over conventional C.I. & A.C. Systems

  • Lightweight: Easy to transport & handle.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Unaffected by most of chemicals and is rust proof.
  • Rodent Repellent: Special treatment at compounding stage ensures that the product is immune to rodent attacks.
  • High Flow Rate: Due to internal smooth surface the excellent flow properties remains constant throughout its life.
  • Fire resistance: UPVC is Self-extinguishing as it does not support combustion.
  • Non-Conductive: Safe from attacks by galvanic or electrolytic action.
  • Weather Resistant: Excellent outdoor weathering performance due to specially blended UV stabilized compound.
  • Easy to install- Push fit hence less time consuming than CI or AC Systems.
  • Easy Cleaning- Threaded door caps provide easy access for cleaning & maintenance.


  • SWR Drainage System at Buildings (Roof, Basins, Commodes & Kitchen Sinks), offices, hotels, industries, hospitals, including public places such as airports, railway stations, bus stands, Bridges etc.
  • For overflow lines and chemical waste lines at industries, dairy plants, food processing plants etc.,
  • For vent lines in drainage systems, in mining pits
  • For rain water harvesting, lines connected to gully from roof tops

Jointing Method

  • Cut the SWR pipe with a fine toothed saw to be required length in square axis.
  • Chamfer the ends of the pipes using a coarse file. Clean the spigot end and sealing groove of the fittings.
  • Mark the rubber ring in groove without twisting it.
  • Apply the lubricant uniformly to the spigot end sealing ring.
  • Push the pipe firmly into the socket until fully touch the mark leaving 10mm to allow thermal expansion.

Joining SWR pipes to CI & AC Pipes

  • Roughen the outside surface of the pipe/ Fitting end with coarse paper upto 50mm
  • Apply solvent cement on roughened surface. Apply dry sand on the solvent cement coat & leave it to dry for few seconds.
  • Insert the solvent cement base PVC Pipe into the socket portion of CI/ AC Pipe and the gap in between shall be filled up with ordinary cement.
Contact us:

Ronix Polymer (P) Ltd

167, Old China Bazar Street

+91 033 22421895


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