+91 033 22421895

Underground drainage system Pipes & Fittings

PVC-U pipe for drainage with elastomeric ring bell and spigot joint are made as per IS 15328. These pipes are available in different stiffness classes. Pipes from 110mm to 315mm in SN 2- SN 4 & SN8 KN/m2 sizes with plain and socketed ends are available in solvent weld and rubber ring.

Ronix drainage pipe made out of rigid PVC,  was created to solve the drainage of roads, airports, building sector, ground consolidation, sports fields and similar structures. This pipe has a smooth base which offers minimum resistance to the flow of water, thus guaranteeing system functionality.


  • The abutment done manually up to half the pipe and compacted by walking simly with feet.
  • The filling up to the upper part of the pipe, carried out manually and again compacted with feet.
  • A layer of 150 mm compacted by a machine, can be added, provided that it is not done directly on the upper part of the pipe.

The abutment and the filling up to 200 mm on the upper part of the pipe can be done in one solution, if material, such as sand or loose and sieved ground is used. The remaining backfill can be completed and compacted in layers of not more than 250 mm, if it is not compacted directly on the pipe. This can be done up to 300 mm of height from the upper part of the pipe. The remaining backfill can be completed and compacted according to the requirements of surface finish.




Contact us:

Ronix Polymer (P) Ltd

167, Old China Bazar Street

+91 033 22421895


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